Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dealing with Friends

To be honest, I have had some bad experiences with friends. This doen't mean I haven't had a lot of good moments with them, but overtime I started to realize they weren't treating me like a friend. Of course I miss hanging out with them, but it was time for a new start and to carry on with my life. Here are a few different types of friends I have come across with qualities that don't make them seem like one.

The friend who continuously blows you off...
This friend always cancels your plans at the last minute and it makes you feel like they don't care about you. It might not be personal, but if it happens constantly, it's a little insensitive. You want to talk to them and spend time with them, but they aren't taking the time to do it. Try having a candid conversation with them and express that you are hurt by their continuous cancelations. If they are willing to change or make time for you in their busy schedule then he/she may be a keeper.

The friend who cares more about boys than you...
In high school I had a friend who seemed a little too obsessed with boys. She put her feelings in front of others and didn't see how it affected her friends. In two instances, she dated guys who her friends really liked and didn't seem to care. I think she wanted a boyfriend so bad that her mind was only set on that. It might of not been intentional but it still felt bad coming from a friend. With this friend, you can also try to talk to them, but it might be harder to get through to them when they just jump from one relationship to the next.

The friend who doesn't accept you...
Everyone's different with their own personalities, opinions, and various problems. Friends are the ones who are supposed to support you and treat you with respect. Let's say you're not a spontaneous person and can't leave right away when your friend wants to hang out at the last minute, or you just want to confide in your friend about something troubling you, but you get shot down for it. They take your weakest link and hit you where it hurts. I have lost a few friends because they didn't accept that I wasn't perfect even though I accepted their faults. Most of the time you can make up with these friends, but it's better to move on if they always put you down.

Dealing with friends is tough, but in my experience, it is important to hold your head high and just smile because soon enough, you will meet new people to spend your time with. True friends care for one another, and the relationship shouldn't feel like work, but a bond that consists of growing together. I have found some great friends in college and I hope to add onto that list in the near future. :)

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